
Thank you for listening or watching my recent interview with Luci Dumas of The Profitable Photographer. It’s always fun chatting with Luci.

In case you haven’t seen or heard the show yet, you can find it here, and I’ve embedded the YT video below:

Audio podcast

Andrew Darlow and Luci Dumas

Here are some show notes:

The C-Print paper I mentioned is Fuji Crystal Archive. I also noted an outstanding website, Wilhelm-Research.

We mentioned Mid-South Color Labs in Jackson, TN. They do excellent work, primarily for professional photographers, and we spoke about their “hand-stripped canvas prints”. Their website is here: Mid-South Color Labs.

Re: face mounted acrylic prints, Luci and I both recommended a company named AcrylicPress.

Re: metal prints, I mentioned the company that produces many different dye-sublimation-ready metal sheets that many photographers and other artists use to make prints for their customers. The company’s name is Chromaluxe.

And on the topic of having metal prints produced, I mentioned a company based in Rhode Island named Blazing Editions that does outstanding work.

I also mention the GalleryPouch Art Bubble Bags, which I invented and helped bring to market with Mark Rogers, president of

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